In the second week of September, Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren, NextGenNK Director, together with KI President Annika Wernerson, met up with the Vinnova General Director Darja Isaksson. Among things discussed ...
The Stockholm Medical Image Laboratory and Education use an online system (iLAB) that streamlines the ordering and billing for core service requests All facility users are invited to use the system, ...
We assist with study design, patient data access, and the testing of digital health solutions to ensure thorough clinical evaluation. Our team provides support in areas such as DevOps, design, ...
In the STR dataportal you can search for metadata included in our cohorts and studies as well as create and download your own variable list. On this page you can find information about our studies ...
Our research includes several clinical projects about early development in individuals with autism spectrum conditions and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ...
Medical ethics is an interdisciplinary teaching- and research-subject that empirically and analytically studies ethical aspects of health care and medical research. It is thus an area within applied ...
SMAILE offers a range of educational activities designed to advance knowledge and skills in the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare. Gain expertise in the broader field of digital ...
The research group PPP aims to generate evidence for effective prevention and promotion in national and global health care. We perform research in the areas of clinical decision making, integrated ...
Take the chance to develop in your profession! KIND provides shorter and longer educations for professionals and others who are interested in neuropsychiatric disabilities. KONTAKT has been adapted ...
Det händer ofta att samma läkemedel ger olika bra effekt hos olika individer. Och en del får biverkningar, andra inte. Detta ...
Det finns sådana laboratorier som gör det, det är inte särskilt spritt. Och för närvarande kör vi en stor studie i Europa där vi ser på stor basis hur pass mycket vi vinner på att göra en genotypning ...
På Global katastrofmedicin - hälsobehov och insatser har vi lång erfarenhet av undervisning och föreläsande inom katastrofmedicin, folkhälsa i katastrofer, global hälsa i relation till katastrofer, ...