Dopo mesi di contrasti in seno al governo, principalmente sull’utilizzo del debito per finanziare la campagna in Ucraina, si ...
How has the Ukraine war affected the Kremlin's ability to support separatist regions in Russian-speaking minority areas?
Without Russia’s gas subsidy, Transnistria faces the threat of an economic crisis and instability.
As the war in Ukraine reshapes regional dynamics, South Ossetia remains firmly tethered to Russia.
Since the USSR's collapse, ethnic tensions have fueled border conflicts and unrecognized states, destabilizing Eastern Europe ...
The war has not only deepened existing tensions but has also influenced international perceptions and policies regarding ...
Abkhazia and its de facto government are becoming aware that Russian economic, political, and military support was never unconditional.
Con la schiacciante vittoria di Trump, gli Stati Uniti si avviano verso una politica estera isolazionista e un mutamento ...