A large-scale study links the presence of these tiny molecules to increased aggressiveness in malignant tumors ...
Scientists have discovered a way to target elusive circular fragments of DNA that drive the survival of some of the most aggressive cancers, paving the way for future treatments.
DNA catapults into spotlight. A trio of research papers from Stanford Medicine researchers and their international collaborators transforms scientists’ understanding of how small DNA circles — until ...
A trio of research papers from Stanford Medicine researchers and their international collaborators transforms scientists' understanding of how small DNA circles—until recently dismissed as ...
Tiny circles called ecDNA are critical in cancer development and drug resistance. An international team publishes landmark studies detailing new findings and potential therapies.
A team of researchers led by Duke University, the University of California San Francisco, and the Beckman Research Institute ...
Most of the genetic material of bacteria is packed into a long, circular DNA molecule. However, type IV secretion systems and antibiotic resistance are often found on extra, more mobile DNA called ...