We've got a feast for your eyes today, and it's some of the most mesmerizing footage we've seen through a microscope this year.
Researchers have developed a new smartphone-based digital holographic microscope that enables precision 3D measurements. The ...
A new portable digital holographic microscope allows precision 3D measurements to be made through smartphone-powered ...
Tardigrades sometimes eat nematodes, and vice versa, but in this case the baby water bear just needed to hitch a ride.
Scientists have developed a new type of microscope that uses a smartphone to create detailed 3D images, known as holograms, ...
Cui developed a tool to analyze genetic mutations in B cells—a type of immune cell that makes antibodies—from healthy ...
One of the ways that bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics is by using structures in their membranes that are ...
In 2D quantum materials, chiral edge states are 1D conducting channels in which electrons travel only in one direction and ...
Researchers have discovered a new method to store and retrieve quantum data using the spin state of an atom's nucleus. They ...
Researchers have been able to initiate a controlled movement in the very heart of an atom. They caused the atomic nucleus to interact with one of the electrons in the outermost shells of the atom.
Parliament’s powerful audit committee will run the ruler of public sector AI use after it was revealed the technology was ...