Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a parody sci-fi-themed TV and movie review series created by Joel Hodgson. The show has had a cult following ever since its debut in 1988, surviving multiple ...
Mystery Science Theater 3000 has long story. The show, about a bunch of goofballs who are trapped on a spaceship where they have to make fun of old movies, started airing way back in 1988 on a ...
That is the simple premise of “Mystery Science Theater 3000.” However, the show, a cult classic, mined so much glorious comedy out of that. Whether it was Joel, Mike, or, in the Netflix reboot ...
Why? To paraphrase the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme, "It's just a [movie]... relax." (To be fair, a Godzilla theme park attraction does exist in the real world.) However, the perfect peace ...
Scrambling for a winning last minute idea? We’ve got a list of MASTERPIECE Mystery! characters with some iconic looks to make this your best, most fashionable Halloween yet. Whether you’re ...
You'd do well not to get too attached to any of Netflix's shows, even those with the highest profiles. Here are the best ...
The show will force guests to work in teams to interrogate suspects and gather clues throughout the mansion to solve the ...
The mystery revolves around a long-lost pirate treasure, a theme that’s reinforced by the package’s aged, stained maps and gold pieces covered in cryptic symbols. It puts the player in charge ...
In this playful Italian comedy-mystery, Susanna returns to her family's mansion for Christmas just before her father is found stabbed in his bed. The suspects include her judgmental Mama ...
Whether you’re into quirky amateur sleuths or shrewd police inspectors, MASTERPIECE Mystery! delivers on its exclamation point with a range of exceptional British crime dramas. The 2024 season ...
In whodunit scenarios, where it is unclear who is responsible for wrongdoing, forensic science often provides the key to solving the mystery. Forensic science is a practical academic discipline ...
That’s the tag line for the “Shrek Rave” at the Nile Theater on Saturday. Upcoming concert features tribute band to Metallica The Shrek-themed rave is for 18 and older and begins at 9 p.m ...