A new study published in Physical Review Letters (PRL) proposes using gravitational wave detectors like LIGO to search for ...
In 1543, Copernicus boldly proposed the heliocentric model, asserting that the Earth revolved around the sun. Despite facing ...
To address the unmet need for a cure for RTT, the therapeutic potential of adult Neural Precursor Cells (NPCs) was ...
The Bartol “boutique” marks its 100th birthday this week, celebrating with almost 100 physicists who are gathering at UD for ...
Faraday Factory Japan LLC has passed a milestone of 5,000 km, or 1 Giga-Ampere-meter, cumulative deliveries of ...
RNA modulates transcription factor binding to DNA, though the subsequent effect on transcription remains unclear. The study ...
As winners of the 2024 U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program, four scientists from Argonne National ...
It holds heat well, we like it at 104 and it stays between 102–104 degrees F while in use in a 40–60 degree environment. The ...