Eve Carter is from the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and has worked and traveled as an archaeologist from the top of Maine down the eastern seaboard right on through to Texas. They received a Bachelor’s ...
I am a biological/evolutionary anthropologist. I started teaching at the University of Arizona in 2012 and worked as the laboratory manager for LEEP (Laboratory for the Evolutionary Endocrinology of ...
Professor Terry Hunt focuses on human and environmental histories of the Pacific Islands, where he has conducted field research throughout the region for more than four decades. Dr. Hunt has conducted ...
I am an anthropological archaeologist interested in the emergence of social complexity, urbanization, and community development in ancient Maya society, particularly during the Preclassic period (ca.
I am a Professor in the School of Anthropology. My research interests center on the evolution of human technological and social behavior. My primary research tool is the study of stone artifacts. I am ...
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Sociocultural Anthropology with interests in Indigenous theory and methods, multispecies ethnography, political ecology, community archaeology, colonialism, and power. I ...
Hi! I am a North American archaeologist, who, upon joining the Native American Cultural Resource Revitalization Program at the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA) in 1994, saw an ...
The Anthropology minor requires students take 18 or more credits of their choice in Anthropology with at least 9 of those units being upper division (300/400 level). Students may focus on one of the ...
Human microevolution; human isolates in Northern Mexico; culture and biology interactions.
Jennifer Byram is a Ph.D. student in Archaeology from the Chicago area with an interest in reawakening textile making practices in native communities. Since 2016, Jennifer has worked for her tribe in ...
I am a PhD student in the Archaeology program. I received my B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Washington in 2014 and my M.A. in Anthropology from the University of Arizona in 2017. I have ...
Miranda is a Ph.D. student in the archaeology program with a focus in zooarchaeology. She received her B.A. in 2019 from the University of New Mexico in Anthropology ...